Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Finding Out Housing Opportunity For People Living

In this written work I will try to find out housing opportunity for people living in Camden. I will also look at the available policy and resources. While I was doing my community profile research for this particular borough and was looking for any information in connection with drug misuse I find no information or very limited information for statistic about homeless people and people living in poverty in general. This really interested me to go deeply and to find out how this borough is tackling problem with housing and which groups in the society are most affected. Camden is ranked the 15th most deprived borough in London out of 33 Local authorities and 74th most deprived borough in England out of 326 local authorities (London Poverty†¦show more content†¦A private sector rent is high and means it can be hard for residents to secure suitable accommodation. Lower income households may be at greater risk of debt, arrears and potentially homelessness and also more likely to end up in insecure, overcrowded or sub-standard accommodation. There is a correlation between housing tenure and health, with those in social housing experiencing poorer health, as well as faring less well with other determinants of health and wellbeing, such as income and employment. People in Camden can buy or rent properties depend on their social status. Camden council has local policy to tackle housing problem. A future for housing in Camden which presents Camden’s housing strategy 2011-2016.It offers housing advice and options to people in their way of finding home to live. People have opportunity to rent social houses, private property or going into hostels if there isn’t any other solution. However private properties are better and they offer good quality but are much more expensive and only certain people can afford to live in, although the population of Camden is mostly young in working age. The majority of people chose to live in council property which is a cheaper alternative but doesn’t give them the best or dreamed home. However before you are offered a council property people have to apply to housing register and if they cover all requirements then they are entitled to live in social properties. People will be put into the

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